July 18, 1999.
Sekicho taiko drum from Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture.

At the shrine of Sekicho (the former name of Minami Honcho, Joetsu, City, Niigata Prefecture), a big taiko drum was found. It has been restored to its original state and a composition called 'Sekicho Bayashi' was created for it. Twenty years have passed since that first performance of this music for the drum. On July 18, in commemoration of this, an event was held at the town hall. Someone donated a curtain and a flag for the float used in the festival and it was presented at this event.

At the festival, the drum is loaded onto this float which goes around performing the 'Sekicho Bayashi' music. This picture shows you the float decorated with the curtain and the flag, which was donated by Mr. Kobayashi to the town.

The performance of 'Sekicho Bayashi' music by the elementary school children in town.

The performance of the 'Sekicho Daiko' music by the young men's association and Sekicho town assembly. There are many people in town who have never heard this music before and they were pleased with the wonderful performance.

The commemorative photograph around the float after the event was over.