July 24 to July 26, 1999.
Joetsu Festival from Joetsu City in Niigata Prefecture.

The Joetsu Festival took place from July 24 to July 29. From the 24th to the 26th, it was held in Takada, and from the 27th to the 29th, it was held in Naoetsu. It was very hot, every day during the festival, as the rainy season had ended. I shot the festival mainly in Takada. The schedule for the festival was as follows.

7/24 Carrying the 'mikoshi' portable shrine.
The shrine is handed over from the group at Minami Honcho 3-chome and is carried around in Minanmi Honcho 2-chome area. The shrine is carried around for two hours and then handed over to the group in the 1-chome section.
7/24 Night: The Sekicho drum's 'miyairi'(it is played to dedicate the "mik oyshi" in the shrine).
After the 'miyairi rite, the drum is walked and played around the Honcho and Nakacho areas.
7/25 Morning: The children walk about the town playing the 'Sekicho Bayash i' music.
Afternoon: Honcho becomes a pedestrian heaven. The 'Sekicho Bayashi' is played on the float as it is dragged around the mall.
7/26 Twilight: Inada Gion Festival.
The 'mikoshi' is passed to the Naoets group after it has gone down the Seki River.

7/24 The 'mikoshi' is received from the 3-chome group and taken around town.

7/24 Approaching the 1-chome section, the 'mikoshi' carrying reaches its climax!

7/24 The parade through the city on the way to the shrine for the 'mikoshi'.

7/24 A picture of the 'mikoshi' dedication.

7/24 A performance of the Sekicho drum to dramatic highlight the 'miyairi'.

7/24 The 'Sekicho Bayashi' music performed by the children as they parade through the town.